How Ribbon Communications Is Creating Secure Real-Time Communications for Today’s Digital World

By Amit Chowdhry, Forbes

When we think of our telecommunications experiences, we want them to be seamless and instant – as if we were conversing with someone face-to-face. We don’t expect a delay in our in-person interactions, and in our fast-paced, always-on world, our digital lives are no exception. Real-time communication technology allows for live information sharing and digital interaction with our coworkers, colleagues and friends and is what makes chatrooms, social media, video conferencing, screen sharing and collaboration tools possible.

In order to make real-time communications a reality, these tools must not only be fast, they must also be secure enough to protect the network from threats that jeopardize our ability to reliably communicate with others, such as denial of service attacks.

That’s where Ribbon Communications comes in.